Chris Lalancette wrote:
Mike Snitzer wrote:
I've taken to using a bridge (or in virt-manager speak "shared
physical device").  The 'network-bridge' script (and supporting and that are provided with
xen rpms (e.g. xen-3.1.0-13.fc8.x86_64.rpm) make this relatively

The overall solution is not what I'd call "simple" but once I've
started the bridge I just defer to libvirtd to abstract away the
complexity associated with exposing each kvm guest to the physical

Yep, exactly.  Actually, generally your distribution of choice provides nice
startup scripts to such things; in Fedora, you create an
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 that has a BRIDGE=br0, and an
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 that defines the actual bridge with
TYPE=Bridge, and the system will bring up the bridge at bootup and plug your
eth0 into it.  I'm sure the other distributions have similar mechanisms.

A bit of the original problem seems to have been clipped before you read it, or I stated it poorly. - the problems are immediate, not permanent hosting. So startup anythings are out, I'd have to put in scripts for every machine I might ever want to host on every machine capable of hosting. - I need to bind an IP, unless you can point me to a different bridge package. If eth0 is x.y.z.10 and I put x.y.z.20 on eth0:1
    ifconfig eth0:1 x.y.z.20 up
adding eth0:1 moves the whole NIC to the bridge, and the normal functions of the machine come to a halt. I'm probably doing something wrong, currently I'm getting this done by ugly iptables abuse.

I am missing some piece on doing this quickly and selectively, for the case of "dns02 just dropped a cooling fan, we need another server, run it on your {whatever} machine for a few minutes." These are immediate and short term, but often done on machines in burn-in state, someone's desktop, etc. Little load, but the service must be running.

Does that clarify?

Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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