Hi guys, 

I've recently gotten KVM to work on my Slamd64 12.1 machine running
kernel 2.6.26. Once I got everything up and running I tried installing
Windows Server 2008. The installation went fine and I can get
everything up and running and it seems to be working fine. Only
problem is that I cannot activate it. This problem seems to be caused
by the Software Licensing service that crashes on startup. Apparently
this service is needed for activation to work. 

I'm not sure if this is actually a KVM problem, but I can't believe
that Microsoft would ship this if it's not working right, because
without activation the system is pretty much useless. Also, the crash
occurs in ntdll.dll, which as far as I know is the kernel, so it does
seem to be some weird problem with the virtualization. So, I'm
wondering if anyone has actually tried activating Windows Server 2008.
The Wiki reports that Windows Server 2008 is supposed to work and
well, it does, but if I can't activate it, it's useless.
Of course,
I'm using a legit version of Server 2008. 

Here is some information on my system: 

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ 
KVM: version 71
Linux: 2.6.26
Arch: x86_64
Host: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x64

/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /home/jmezach/VM/W2K8NET35/hda -cpu 
qemu64 -smp 
2 -cdrom 
-m 1024 -boot d -usb -net nic,macaddr=00:16:3e:1:00:01,model=rtl8139 -net 
tap,ifname=tap1,script=no -k en-us -monitor 
unix:/home/jmezach/VM/W2K8NET35/run/monitor,server,nowait -pidfile 
/home/jmezach/VM/W2K8NET35/run/pid -soundhw 

I've tried running with -no-kvm-irqchip, but that gives me a
bluescreen of death on startup. I also tried -no-kvm-pit, but that
didn't make any difference. Using -no-kvm it doesn't start up at all.
I get the Loading screen with the green bar and Microsoft copyright
message and after that the screen just stays black.

It's too bad I can't activate it, because apart from that it seems to
run pretty nice and the performance is quite good as well. I relly
want this stuff to work so I can do some experiments with the new
Server 2008 stuff. I hope someone can sort this out. If you need any
additional information, let me know. 


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