Hi Javier,

Thanks for your advice.

--- Javier Guerra Giraldez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 29 July 2008, Stephen Liu wrote:
> > # kvm -hda ubuntu6.06.img -cdrom /dev/scd0 -m 512 -boot d -vnc :1
> >
> > It was hanging there.
> it's not a hang.  it's running, but all feedback goes to the VNC
> port.  maybe 
> you'd like it to run in the background, so you get the prompt back. 
> just add 
> a '&' at the end:
> kvm -hda ubuntu6.06.img -cdrom /dev/scd0 -m 512 -boot d -vnc :1 &
> > On local desktop Xterm after ssh-connect the server;
> >
> > # netstat -antp
> > Active Internet connections (servers and established)
> > Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
> > State       PID/Program name
> > tcp        0      0  *
> > LISTEN      5682/kvm
> > tcp        0      0*
> > LISTEN      5100/dnsmasq
> > tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*
> > LISTEN      5561/sshd
> > tcp6       0      0
> > ESTABLISHED 5566/0
> >
> >
> > Is the VM running?
> yes, and port 5901 is VNC's port 1  (since you used -vnc :1)
> you do need a VNC client.  it would be the 'screen and keyboard' of
> the 
> virtual machine.  you need at least that to install an OS.  

I ran Knoppix 5.1 on a PC using tightvnc viewer to install the OS,
Ubuntu6.06 as guest.  It is working now.  I also ran update and upgrade

However I haven't figured out how to start it on next boot.  Do I need
putting the installer on CDRom?  On next boot what command shall I run
to start KVM.  What command shall I run to start the guest.  How to
resize the vncviewer window?  TIA

> after
> that, you 
> could setup any kind of network access you like directly to the VM
> (ssh, X, 
> RDP, etc)

Please explain in more detail.  ssh is running on the host.  Thanks


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