I've have setup a couple virtual machines and they work great... for anywhere
between 2-24 hours.  But then, for no reason I can determine, they just go 100%
busy and stop responding.

My basic setup is:
   Ubuntu 8.10 server running on both host and guests.
   kvm version is the one from the Ubuntu distribution (kvm-72)
   Kernel is Ubuntu 8.10 kernel (2.6.27-7-server)
The two VMs are both run like:
     kvm -daemonize \
     -hda Imgs/ndev_root.img \
     -m 1024 -cdrom ISOs/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso      \
     -vnc :1 -net nic,macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:04:04,model=e1000 \
     -net tap,ifname=tap1,script=/home/chris/kvm/qemu-ifup.sh 

(With different disk imgs, vnc addresses and macaddrs)

The disk images are raw format:
    qemu-img create -f raw 80G Imgs/ndev_root.img

I've tried running with these options, and in different combos:


They don't seem to help much.  If anything, -no-kvm-irqchip seems to cause more

I tried running with -no-kvm and it won't boot at all.

I also built my own kernel, from kernel.org, and built my own version
of kvm-78, but saw the same behavior.

Anyone have any advice how I can resolve these hangs?  When the setup works,
it's a beautiful setup and I love kvm.  But with the 100% busy hangs I can't
really continue with it.


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