Hi All,

This is our Weekly KVM Testing Report against lastest kvm.git
48aa74b80e1dbef32f756104a9f5a18f58429c25 and kvm-userspace.git
There is no new issue found in this two weeks.

Five Old Issues:
1. 32bits Rhel5/FC6 guest may fail to reboot after installation

2. failure to migrate guests with more than 4GB of RAM

3. OpenSuse10.2 can not be installed

4. Fail to Save Restore Guest

5. hotplug inexistent device will kill guest

Test environment
Platform  A
CPU                     4
Memory size         8G'

Report Summary on IA32-pae
               Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel               8       7       1         0        0
gtest                       16      16      0         0        0
control_panel               8       7       1         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_two_winxp_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_PAE_g   1       0       1         0        0
gtest                       16      16      0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_PAE_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_xp_PAE_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
Total                       24      23      1         0        0

Report Summary on IA32e
   Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel               17      14      3         0        0
gtest                       23      23      0         0        0
control_panel               17      14      3         0        0
 :KVM_4G_guest_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_64_gP   1       0       1         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_dguest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_SMP_64_gPAE        1       0       1         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_64_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_64_g3   1       0       1         0        0
 :KVM_two_winxp_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       23      23      0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_xp_64_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k3_6   1       1       0         0        0
Total                       40      37      3         0        0

Test environment
Platform  B
CPU                     8
Memory size         4G'

Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel_ept_vpid      8       7       1         0        0
control_panel_ept           4       3       1         0        0
control_panel               4       4       0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          4       4       0         0        0
gtest_vpid                  4       4       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   2       2       0         0        0
gtest                       4       4       0         0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              15      15      0         0        0
control_panel_ept_vpid      8       7       1         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_two_winxp_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_PAE_g   1       0       1         0        0
control_panel_ept           4       3       1         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_PAE_g   1       0       1         0        0
control_panel               4       4       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          4       4       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
gtest_vpid                  4       4       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_xp_PAE_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   2       2       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       4       4       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_PA   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              15      15      0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_PAE_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
Total                       45      43      2         0        0

Report Summary on IA32e
Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel_ept_vpid      16      13      3         0        0
control_panel_ept           5       5       0         0        0
control_panel               5       5       0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          7       6       1         0        0
gtest_vpid                  4       4       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       5       5       0         0        0
vtd_ept_vpid                5       5       0         0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              23      23      0         0        0
control_panel_ept_vpid      16      13      3         0        0
 :KVM_SR_SMP_64_gPAE        1       0       1         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_Continuity_64_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_64_gP   1       0       1         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_two_winxp_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_Continuity_64_g3   1       0       1         0        0
 :KVM_256M_guest_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_dguest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel_ept           5       5       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel               5       5       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel_vpid          7       6       1         0        0
 :KVM_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_SR_SMP_64_gPAE        1       0       1         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_four_sguest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_two_winxp_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :KVM_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_vpid                  4       4       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_ept                   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       5       5       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
vtd_ept_vpid                5       5       0         0        0
 :kvm_passthrough_smp_xp_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kvm_passthrough_scp_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kvm_passthrough_up_xp_6   1       1       0         0        0
 :kvm_passthrough_smp_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kvm_passthrough_up_64_g   1       1       0         0        0
gtest_ept_vpid              23      23      0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_xp_64_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k3_6   1       1       0         0        0
Total                       71      67      4         0        0

Best Regards,
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