On 2014-09-11 15:25, Erik Rull wrote:
>> On August 6, 2014 at 1:19 PM Erik Rull <erik.r...@rdsoftware.de> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I did already several tests and I'm not completely sure what's going wrong,
>> but
>> here my scenario:
>> When I start up QEMU w/ KVM 1.7.0 on a Core2Duo machine running a vanilla
>> kernel
>> 3.4.67 to run a Windows 8.0 guest, the guest freezes at boot without any
>> error.
>> When I dump the CPU registers via "info registers", nothing changes, that
>> means
>> the system really stalled. Same happens with QEMU 2.0.0.
>> But - when I run the very same guest using Kernel and QEMU 1.7.0 on
>> the host side it works on the Core2Duo. Also the system above but just with 
>> an
>> i3 or i5 CPU it works, too.
>> I already disabled networking and USB for the guest and changed the graphics
>> card - no effect. I assume that some mean bits and bytes have to be set up
>> properly to get the thing running.
>> Any hint what to change / test would be really appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Best regards,
>> Erik
> Hi all,
> I opened a qemu bug report on that and Jan helped me creating a kvm trace. I
> attached it to the bug report.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1366836
> If you have further questions, please let me know.

"File possibly truncated. Need at least 346583040, but file size is

Does "trace-cmd report" work for you? Is your file larger?

Again, please also validate the behavior on latest next branch from kvm.git.


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