2014-09-30 20:49+0300, Nadav Amit:
> Intel SDM 17.2.4 (Debug Control Register (DR7)) says: "The processor clears 
> the
> GD flag upon entering to the debug exception handler." This sentence may be
> misunderstood as if it happens only on #DB due to debug-register protection,
> but it happens regardless to the cause of the #DB.

All real hardware behaves that way?

Intel has another sentence after that

  [...], to allow the handler access to the debug registers.

I suppose that the "the" is important, but I haven't verified it.[1]
Clearing GD on every #DB would also make the stated purpose[2] harder to
achieve without adding any benefit;  it seems like a bug for Intel.

1: AMD [ Debug-Control Register (DR7)] uses a similar wording

     General-Detect Enable (GD)—Bit 13. Software sets this bit to 1 to
     cause a debug exception to occur when an attempt is made to execute
     a MOV DRn instruction to any debug register (DR0–DR7). This bit is
     cleared to 0 by the processor when the #DB handler is entered,
     allowing the handler to read and write the DRn registers. The #DB
     exception occurs before executing the instruction, and DR6[BD] is
     set by the processor. Software debuggers can use this bit to
     prevent the currently-executing program from interfering with the
     debug operation.

2: Last sentence of [1] and also this from Intel
     This condition is provided to support in-circuit emulators.

     When the emulator needs to access the debug registers, emulator
     software can set the GD flag to prevent interference from the
     program currently executing on the processor.
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