Apologies for taking so long to revisit this topic but well, new hardware, new software, new microphone and, you know, lifeā€¦

I have unable to forward my USB microphone connection to a Windows guest and I could use a little bit of assistance pointing me in the right direction.

Long story:
On my new laptop, speech recognition is working well on the Windows guest. I don't remember what client I was working with but I'm now using vmm-view in spice mode. I wasn't able to get the spice connection to make the USB microphone interface visible in Windows but I was able to get the built-in host to guest USB binding as supplied by the vmm manger.

It's almost exactly right. What I'm noticing is that the audio stream is not as clean as it could be. About every 15 to 20 seconds I hear a very quiet but distinct "thump". The reason this is a bad thing is because the recognition engine thinks it's the start of an utterance, spins its wheels for about 10+ seconds trying to decode what it hears. When NaturallySpeaking is spinning its wheels, it kills off all input because it is trying to avoid a race condition between other inputs and itself.

I'm not sure where the thump is coming from. I don't hear it on my other laptop and it's not external noise because it's extremely regular.

I'm wondering if the same problem would occur over the spice USB forwarding. I could use a bit of assistance figuring out what I'm doing wrong with spice USB forwarding so I can test out importing audio that way.

--- eric

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