Hi there.. I have a new machine with an AMD Phenom processor and two fairly average LG DVD burners. I've gotten to the point that I seem to be able to see both but they are not coming up as writable drives.. I have a data DVD in one drive and a blank in the other.

Can anyone help me out?  here is the kvm command I'm using:

/usr/bin/kvm -M pc -m 512 -smp 1 -name fury -monitor pty -localtime -boot c -drive file=/v/fury/fury.img,if=scsi,index=0,boot=on -drive file=/dev/scd0,if=ide,media=cdrom -drive file=/dev/scd1,if=ide,media=cdrom -net nic,macaddr=00:16:36:53:18:96,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0,script=/v/scripts/kvm-ifup -serial pty -parallel none -usb -usbdevice tablet -vnc -daemonize

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