On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Charles Duffy
<charles_du...@messageone.com> wrote:
> Armindo Silva wrote:
>> There are a few glitches/problems with this version (at least using
>> win2k3 server as guest). The problems with the vnc window only
>> disappear when i create a new guest, with the old ones the mouse is
>> still out of sync.
> What problems with the VNC window?

The mouse is always out of sync.
>> Other problem is that all my guest lost their default network config -
>> they all had static ips if i configure them again with the same
>> settings windows warn me about that address being in use by a hidden
>> network device (if i ignore that message it works - at least as far i
>> can tell).
> Perhaps you aren't specifying MAC address on the command line, so they get a
> new one every boot?

I am launching the machines like this (i am using libvirt):
 /usr/bin/kvm -M pc -m 2000 -smp 3 -monitor pty -localtime -boot c
-drive file=/mnt/vm/db/newroot.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,boot=on -drive
file=/mnt/vm/db/databases.qcow2,if=ide,index=1 -drive
-net nic,macaddr=00:16:3e:67:a9:4a,vlan=0 -net tap,fd=7,script=,vlan=0
-usb -vnc

There is a mac in there.

>> Also now, all of them (including fresh VMs) have a new PCI
>> Device to which i cannot find drivers - i am not using virtio so
>> everything thing should be working, right?
> That's the virtio console. It's on by default, and completely harmless;
> ignore it.

Even with virtio disabled?

Thanks for your reply.


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