On (Wed) Jul 08 2009 [16:19:27], Dâniel Fraga wrote:
>       I like very much KVM, but I decided to test Virtualbox and it
> has nice features KVM doesn't have. BUT... Virtualbox is orders of
> magnitude SLOWER than KVM. Virtualbox just can't compete with KVM
> regarding speed. KVM is much, much, much faster than any virtual
> machine on earth.
>       Anyway, Virtualbox has a nice feature: cdrom passthrough with
> let me use applications like AnyDVD or something like that. That's the
> only app I need which there is not an equivalent in Linux.
>       So, I know that I can use -cdrom /mountpoint, but AnyDVD won't
> work with that. Besides that, Virtualbox allows me to mount/umount
> whenever I want without restarting the virtual machine.

You can use the monitor command 'change' to do that. Though you should
be using a frontend like virt-manager which should have such

>       So, is there any way to force cdrom passthrough in KVM or it is
> impossible right now?

I think this feature is under development and is discussed on the qemu

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