Hi all!

I'm using the following syntax to launch a VM:

$KVM -hda ${DISK_PATH}/aprender00-raiz -hdb ${DISK_PATH}/aprender00-space \
 -m 3584 -boot c -smp 4 -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:00:00:61,model=virtio \
 -net tap -daemonize -vnc :3 -k es -localtime -monitor \
 telnet:localhost:4003,server,nowait -serial telnet:localhost:4043,server,nowait

But when I doing a shutdown logged on the VM, apparently the port
associated to VNC server remains active when trying boot it again:

inet_listen: bind(ipv4,,5903): Address already in use
inet_listen: FAILED

I'm using KVM-88 compiled by myself. It can be a bug?

Thanks in advance.

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