Hi Guys,
I am writing very simple bios for KVM (not using Qemu but creating a simple io 
device models around KVM). I am having trouble in receiving regular Timer 
interrupts after programming PIT.

I think I have enabled PIC and PIT correctly using following code:-

PIC Programming 
;; PIC
  mov  al, #0x00
  out  0x21, AL ;master pic: all IRQs unmasked
  out  0xA1, AL ;slave  pic: all IRQs unmasked

PIT Programming 

and also enable PIT to genrate regular timer interruput

SET_INT_VECTOR(0x08, #0xF000, #int08_handler)
  mov al, #0x34 ; timer0: binary count, 16bit count, mode 2
  out 0x43, al
  mov al, #0x00 ; maximum count of 0000H = 18.2Hz
  out 0x40, al
  out 0x40, al

PIT Timer ISR code

Timer ISR code

;- INT08 -
.org 0xfea5 ; INT 08h System Timer ISR Entry Point
  push ax
  push ds
  mov ax, #0x0040
  mov ds, ax
  mov ax, 0x006c ; increment lower word
  inc ax
  mov 0x006c, ax
  jnz inc_done
  mov ax, 0x006e ; increment upper word
  inc ax
  mov 0x006e, ax

For some reason I never see int08_handler ever been called. Any clues what may 
be wrong? I am creating only one VCPU


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