On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <l...@redhat.com> 
> On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 08:59 +0530, sudhir kumar wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Yolkfull Chow <yz...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Looks good for me. Thanks Lucas for improving this test.
>> >
>> > Sudhir, what do you think about this? :)
>> Needs couple of hours before I go through the patch. I will post my
>> comments by today. Also would like to give a quick run for windows
>> guests which are more prone to break :) Thanks Lucas for the effort.
> Thanks guys,
> I've found some bugs on the version I sent to the mailing list, the bugs
> were fixed and now the test looks like this - please review this
> version!
> import re, string, logging
> from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
> import kvm_test_utils, kvm_utils
> def run_physical_resources_check(test, params, env):
>    """
>    Check physical resources assigned to KVM virtual machines:
>    1) Log into the guest
>    2) Verify whether cpu counts ,memory size, nics' model,
>       count and drives' format & count, drive_serial, UUID
>       reported by the guest OS matches what has been assigned
>       to the VM (qemu command line)
>    3) Verify all MAC addresses for guest NICs
>   �...@param test: kvm test object
>   �...@param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
>   �...@param env: Dictionary with test environment.
>    """
>    vm = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
>    session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm)
>    logging.info("Starting physical resources check test")
>    logging.info("Values assigned to VM are the values we expect "
>                 "to see reported by the Operating System")
>    # Define a failure counter, as we want to check all physical
>    # resources to know which checks passed and which ones failed
>    n_fail = 0
>    # Check cpu count
>    logging.info("CPU count check")
>    expected_cpu_nr = int(params.get("smp"))
>    actual_cpu_nr = vm.get_cpu_count()
>    if expected_cpu_nr != actual_cpu_nr:
>        n_fail += 1
>        logging.error("CPU count mismatch:")
>        logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % expected_cpu_nr)
>        logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % actual_cpu_nr)
>    # Check memory size
>    logging.info("Memory size check")
>    expected_mem = int(params.get("mem"))
>    actual_mem = vm.get_memory_size()
>    if actual_mem != expected_mem:
>        n_fail += 1
>        logging.error("Memory size mismatch:")
>        logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % expected_mem)
>        logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % actual_mem)
>    # Define a function for checking number of hard drivers & NICs
>    def check_num(devices, cmd, check_str):
>        f_fail = 0
>        expected_num = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, devices).__len__()
>        s, o = vm.send_monitor_cmd(cmd)
>        if s != 0:
>            f_fail += 1
>            logging.error("qemu monitor command failed: %s" % cmd)
>        actual_num = string.count(o, check_str)
>        if expected_num != actual_num:
>            f_fail += 1
>            logging.error("%s number mismatch:")
>            logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %d" % expected_num)
>            logging.error("    Reported by OS: %d" % actual_num)
>        return expected_num, f_fail
>    logging.info("Hard drive count check")
>    drives_num, f_fail = check_num("images", "info block", "type=hd")
>    n_fail += f_fail
>    logging.info("NIC count check")
>    nics_num, f_fail = check_num("nics", "info network", "model=")
>    n_fail += f_fail
>    # Define a function for checking hard drives & NICs' model
>    def chk_fmt_model(device, fmt_model, cmd, str):
>        f_fail = 0
>        devices = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, device)
>        for chk_device in devices:
>            expected = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, 
> chk_device).get(fmt_model)
>            if not expected:
>                expected = "rtl8139"
chk_fmt_model is a generic function. why are we initializing this
variable, expected to rtl8139 ?

>            s, o = vm.send_monitor_cmd(cmd)
>            if s != 0:
>                f_fail += 1
>                logging.error("qemu monitor command failed: %s" % cmd)
>            device_found = re.findall(str, o)
>            logging.debug("Found devices: %s" % device_found)
>            found = False
>            for fm in device_found:
>                if expected in fm:
>                    found = True
>            if not found:
>                f_fail += 1
>                logging.error("%s model mismatch:")
>                logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % expected)
>                logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % device_found)
>        return f_fail
>    logging.info("NICs model check")
>    f_fail = chk_fmt_model("nics", "nic_model", "info network", "model=(.*),")
>    n_fail += f_fail
>    logging.info("Drive format check")
>    f_fail = chk_fmt_model("images", "drive_format", "info block",
>                           "(.*)\: type=hd")
>    n_fail += f_fail
>    logging.info("Network card MAC check")
>    s, o = vm.send_monitor_cmd("info network")
>    if s != 0:
>        n_fail += 1
>        logging.error("qemu monitor command failed: info network")
>    found_mac_addresses = re.findall("macaddr=(.*)", o)
>    logging.debug("Found MAC adresses: %s" % found_mac_addresses)
>    for nic_name in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "nics"):
>        nic_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, nic_name)
>        mac, ip = kvm_utils.get_mac_ip_pair_from_dict(nic_params)
>        if not string.lower(mac) in found_mac_addresses:
>            n_fail += 1
>            logging.error("MAC address mismatch:")
>            logging.error("    Assigned to VM (not found): %s" % mac)
>    # Define a function to verify UUID & Serial number
>    def verify_device(expect, name, verify_cmd):
>        f_fail = 0
>        if verify_cmd:
>            actual = session.get_command_output(verify_cmd)
>            if not string.upper(expect) in actual:
>                f_fail += 1
>                logging.error("%s mismatch:")
>                logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % string.upper(expect))
>                logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % actual)
>        return f_fail
>    logging.info("UUID check")
>    if vm.get_uuid():
>        f_fail = verify_device(vm.get_uuid(), "UUID",
>                               params.get("catch_uuid_cmd"))
>        n_fail += f_fail
>    logging.info("Hard Disk serial number check")
>    catch_serial_cmd = params.get("catch_serial_cmd")
>    f_fail = verify_device(params.get("drive_serial"), "Serial",
>                           catch_serial_cmd)
>    n_fail += f_fail
>    if n_fail != 0:
>        raise error.TestFail("Physical resources check test reported %s "
>                             "failures. Please verify the test logs." % n_fail)
>    session.close()
A generic question: In the patch we are verifying some of the
resources(image, nic) through qemu monitor. Is it sufficient instead
of testing them inside OS(as we do for cpu and memory)? However a
particular device may not have been configured inside guest OS but
still it will be visible to the guest OS.


Sudhir Kumar
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