Hi, all!

I installed qemu-kvm- in one equipment of my house yesterday to
test it with Linux 2.6.32 compiled by myself from the source code of

From the night of yesterday that I am observing a high use of swap. This
is the Service Log Entries from Nagios:

12-26-2009 21:57:33     12-26-2009 23:42:33     0d 1h 45m 0s    SERVICE WARNING 
(HARD)  SWAP WARNING - 30% free (142 MB out of 486 MB)
12-26-2009 23:42:33     12-27-2009 00:00:00     0d 0h 17m 27s   SERVICE 
CRITICAL (HARD) SWAP CRITICAL - 9% free (41 MB out of 486 MB)
12-27-2009 00:00:00     12-27-2009 06:27:33     0d 6h 27m 33s   SERVICE 
CRITICAL (HARD) SWAP CRITICAL - 5% free (22 MB out of 486 MB)
12-27-2009 06:27:33     12-27-2009 12:49:51     0d 6h 22m 18s+  SERVICE WARNING 
(HARD)  SWAP WARNING - 14% free (67 MB out of 486 MB)

The hour has been ART (GMT-3).

The VMs running in this host are the following:

|   OS               |    RAM   |      SWAP        |
| Debian Lenny amd64 | 512 MB   | 1 GB / 0 used    |
| Debian Lenny amd64 | 512 MB   | 512 MB / 0 used  |
| Debian Lenny amd64 | 512 MB   | 1 GB / 584k used |
| Debian Lenny i386  | 512 MB   | 512 MB / 0 used  |
| OpenBSD 4.6  i386  | 512 MB   | 1 GB / 0 used    |

This is what I obtain with 'free' in the host:

r...@ubuntu:~# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       4060340    3989512      70828          0    1804272      95212
-/+ buffers/cache:    2090028    1970312
Swap:       497972     415680      82292

To what that so high use of swap can be due?

Thank in advance for your replies.

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