On 01/11/2010 12:15 AM, Ryan C. Underwood wrote:
I guess I'll run the things I've found by the list to see if I'm off
track or not.

There is this patch:

which would seem to be related to what I'm doing, trying to pass through
a multifunction device (a Ricoh firewire controller which has digital
media card reader subfunctions).

Then there is this patch:

Which is related to PCI passthrough without VT-d, but I have no idea if
this patch is necessary or sufficient.

That effort has been discontinues.

Also, just for further complication, the Ricoh chip does not support
MSI and shares an IRQ on the system board with the USB host controller.
I have rebound the USB host controller to pci-stub, but I'm not sure if
that totally takes care of the IRQ-sharing-without-MSI issue.

Can you post lspci -vv output for that card? If it is pci 2.3 compliant we might be able to handle the sharing.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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