Antoine Martin wrote:
> On 02/27/2010 12:38 AM, Antoine Martin wrote:
> >>>  1   0   0  98   0   1|   0     0 |  66B  354B|   0     0 |  30    11
> >>>  1   1   0  98   0   0|   0     0 |  66B  354B|   0     0 |  29    11
> >>>From that point onwards, nothing will happen.
> >>>The host has disk IO to spare... So what is it waiting for??
> >>Moved to an AMD64 host. No effect.
> >>Disabled swap before running the test. No effect.
> >>Moved the guest to a fully up-to-date FC12 server
> >>(, no effect.
> >I have narrowed it down to the guest's filesystem used for backing
> >the disk image which is loop mounted: although it was not
> >completely full (and had enough inodes), freeing some space on it
> >prevents the system from misbehaving.
> >
> >FYI: the disk image was clean and was fscked before each test. kvm
> >had been updated to 0.12.3
> >The weird thing is that the same filesystem works fine (no system
> >hang) if used directly from the host, it is only misbehaving via
> >kvm...
> >
> >So I am not dismissing the possibility that kvm may be at least
> >partly to blame, or that it is exposing a filesystem bug (race?)
> >not normally encountered.
> >(I have backed up the full 32GB virtual disk in case someone
> >suggests further investigation)
> Well, well. I've just hit the exact same bug on another *host* (not
> a guest), running stock Fedora 12.
> So this isn't a kvm bug after all. Definitely a loop+ext(4?) bug.
> Looks like you need a pretty big loop mounted partition to trigger
> it. (bigger than available ram?)
> This is what triggered it on a quad amd system with 8Gb of ram,
> software raid-1 partition:
> mount -o loop 2GB.dd source
> dd if=/dev/zero of=8GB.dd bs=1048576 count=8192
> mkfs.ext4 -f 8GB.dd
> mount -o loop 8GB.dd dest
> rsync -rplogtD source/* dest/
> umount source
> umount dest
> ^ this is where it hangs, I then tried to issue a 'sync' from
> another terminal, which also hung.
> It took more than 10 minutes to settle itself, during that time one
> CPU was stuck in wait state.

This sounds like:

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