
I'm trying to use KVM virtualization at home and I've run into what I
think is a limitation of my hardware.
I'm trying to pass a PCI card (WinTV NOVA-T 500) through to a guest OS
but I get the error 'IOMMU not found'.

Now I've read that this is because my motherboard does not have an
IOMMU to perform hardware accelerated device virtualization.
I have an AMD based system and apparently they call it AMD-Vi and
Intel call it VT-d.

Now, my 790GX based board does not have IOMMU, but the latest chipset,
the 890FX, apparently does, it has IOMMU v1.2

Before I go and spend lots of money on what it a very expensive board,
can somebody confirm that an AMD 890FX based board with a Phenom II X3
processor with Ubuntu 10.04 server 64bit using KVM/QEMU will allow me
to passthrough a PCI card to the guest OS?

On another note, now that I've subscribed to this mailing list I
notice that there is an email named "AMD IOMMU Emulation"
Is that what I think it is and can I compile up a patched version for my server?

Many Thanks,

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