Thanks. Will this work if the guest or host are different combo - for
instance ubuntu/debian or fedora/ubuntu? In other words, is there
anything generic other than using the sockets ? Am ok to use PCI to
communicate too if that can improve performance. Any pointers would be


On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Amit Shah <> wrote:
> On (Thu) Jul 29 2010 [16:17:48], Nirmal Guhan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I run Fedora 12 and guest is also Fedora 12. I use br0/tap0 for
>> networking and communicate between host<->guest using socket.  I do
>> see some references to virtio, pci based ipc and inter-vm shared
>> memory but they are not current. My question is : Is there a better
>> IPC mechanism for host<->guest and intern vm communication and if so
>> could you provide me with pointers?
> There's virtio-serial, which is a channel between a guest and the host.
> You can short-circuit two host-side chardevs to get inter-VM channels as
> well.
> See
> for more info.
> This is only available from F13, though.
>                Amit
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