
I am trying to run KVM machine from the image created as COW from the original 
image. But it not working.

Screenshot that shows the KVM works with the original image

 [r...@prasad images]# qemu-kvm /var/lib/libvirt/images/Ubuntu.img -m 512
[1]+  Stopped                 qemu-kvm /var/lib/libvirt/images/Ubuntu.img -m 512
[r...@prasad images]# bg
[1]+ qemu-kvm /var/lib/libvirt/images/Ubuntu.img -m 512 &
[r...@prasad images]# pwd
[r...@prasad images]# lsmod | grep -i kvm
kvm_intel              42122  3 
kvm                   257132  1 kvm_intel

1. Created COW copy of the image after stoping the VM that was running

[r...@prasad images]# pwd

[r...@prasad images]# qemu-img create -b Ubuntu.img -f qcow 

2. Trying to run VM using the copy created

[pra...@prasad Virtual]$ ls -l
total 36
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 32832 Nov  9 15:33 Ubuntu_copy.ovl

[pra...@prasad Virtual]$ qemu-kvm Ubuntu_copy.ovl -m 512
qemu: could not open disk image Ubuntu_copy.ovl: Permission denied

[pra...@prasad Virtual]$ sudo qemu-kvm Ubuntu_copy.ovl -m 512
qemu: could not open disk image Ubuntu_copy.ovl: No such file or directory

[pra...@prasad Virtual]$ sudo qemu-kvm ./Ubuntu_copy.ovl -m 512
qemu: could not open disk image ./Ubuntu_copy.ovl: No such file or directory

[pra...@prasad Virtual]$ qemu-kvm ${PWD}/Ubuntu_copy.ovl -m 512
qemu: could not open disk image /home/prasad/Virtual/Ubuntu_copy.ovl: 
Permission denied

[pra...@prasad Virtual]$ sudo qemu-kvm ${PWD}/Ubuntu_copy.ovl -m 512
qemu: could not open disk image /home/prasad/Virtual/Ubuntu_copy.ovl: No such 
file or directory

Why is it failing?

Thanks and Regards,
Prasad Joshi
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