Le mardi 21 décembre 2010 à 13:53 +0800, Yueyu Lin a écrit :
> Hello, everyone
>       I just encountered a very strange issue in Ubuntu 10.10 server
> edition X86 64bits.  I just start up my kvm like :
> kvm -net nic,macaddr=B3:C0:64:AF:73:28,model=virtio -net
> tap,script=/etc/qemu-ifup,downscript=/etc/qemu-ifdown,ifname=tap2
> -enable-kvm -drive file=cassandra.raw,format=raw,aio=native -vnc :2
>      This Mac address doesn't work at all. No working means the
> virtual machine just thinks the eth0 is not plugged in. After I
> changed the MAC address, it works as I expected.
>       Are there any restrictions that I  can't use certain MAC
> addresses?--


First byte must be even.

B3 is odd, so its not valid.

low order bit is a marker for 'multicast'

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