On 01/05/2011 02:27 PM, Lentes, Bernd wrote:

I'm new to this list and i hope this is the right list for my question. I like 
to create several VM's using KVM on a SLES 11 SP1 host. What is better/faster ?

Logical volumes are faster.

Install the VM into a file or a logical Volume ? If i chosse to install it into 
a LV: does the LV needs a Filesystem, and does it has to be mounted ?

No, the volume becomes the guest's disk (which it can then paritition, set up logical volumes, and mount filesystems on).

My aim is that i want to create a HA-Cluster. For every service (currently 3) 
i'd like to create a VM. I want to have two hosts/nodes, both running SLES 11 
SP1. I want to use DRBD to replicate the File/LV to the passive node. Do you 
thing that's a good solution ?

Sure, this can work, just be sure to test it extensively. Roll-your-own solutions often aren't.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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