On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 02:54:00PM +0300, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> Hello.
> I installed an openbsd 4.8 image today to play with,
> and noticed that when issuing "system_powerdown" in
> kvm monitor, in about 5 seconds, qemu-kvm spews this
> message in a tight loop:
>  KVM internal error. Suberror: 1
>  emulation failure
>  KVM internal error. Suberror: 1
>  emulation failure
>  ....
> ad infinitum, until interrupted.
> I verified the issue exists in 0.14 and 0.12 qemu-kvm,
> both 32 and 64bits.

> Freebsd does not trigger this behavour, it is running
> normally.
> kvm-0.12.5 behaves somewhat more sane in this case too,
> it prints some more information:
>  KVM internal error. Suberror: 1
>  rax 0000000000000030 rbx 0000000000000000 rcx 0000000000000000 rdx 
> 000000000000b100
>  rsi 00000000d0201fc6 rdi 00000000d0ac1ad4 rsp 00000000d9651004 rbp 
> 00000000d9759a38
>  r8  0000000000000000 r9  0000000000000000 r10 0000000000000000 r11 
> 0000000000000000
>  r12 0000000000000000 r13 0000000000000000 r14 0000000000000000 r15 
> 0000000000000000
>  rip 00000000d0202041 rflags 00000292
>  cs 0050 (00000000/ffffffff p 1 dpl 0 db 1 s 1 type b l 0 g 1 avl 0)
>  ds 0010 (00000000/ffffffff p 1 dpl 0 db 1 s 1 type 3 l 0 g 1 avl 0)
>  es 0010 (00000000/ffffffff p 1 dpl 0 db 1 s 1 type 3 l 0 g 1 avl 0)
>  ss 0010 (00000000/ffffffff p 1 dpl 0 db 1 s 1 type 3 l 0 g 1 avl 0)
>  fs 0058 (d0ac1aa0/000003db p 1 dpl 0 db 0 s 1 type 3 l 0 g 0 avl 0)
>  gs 0010 (00000000/ffffffff p 1 dpl 0 db 1 s 1 type 3 l 0 g 1 avl 0)
>  tr 0078 (d9758000/00000333 p 1 dpl 0 db 0 s 0 type b l 0 g 0 avl 0)
>  ldt 0018 (d0a31580/00000087 p 1 dpl 0 db 0 s 0 type 2 l 0 g 0 avl 0)
>  gdt d9575000/ffff
>  idt d0a31620/7ff
>  cr0 8001003b cr2 dcd0000 cr3 1f202000 cr4 780 cr8 3 efer 0
>  emulation failure, check dmesg for details


Can you stop the guest and issue:

x/10i 0x00000000d0202041

> As far as I can see, this is just a one-time message in 0.12.
> Dmesg (on host) is completely silent.
> -no-kvm-irqchip does not help either (I tried it for a different
> reason but decided to check this case too, while at it).
> Host kernel is 2.6.37-2 (with e5d135f80b98b0 + 2607b0533353c
> applied after yesterdays freebsd issues), 64bit, running on
> amd AthlonII CPU.  In all cases guests were with -smp 1, and
> without any fancy options (just -hda & -m).  Openbsd 4.8 32bit.
> I see two issues here: one is the emulation failure and another
> is the erratic behavour of kvm-0.14 - issuing that error message
> in a tight loop.

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