In some conditions, ssh may respond things like:

Warning: Permanently added localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

Take that into account on the remote login function.

Signed-off-by: Jason D. Gaston <>
 client/virt/ |    7 +++++--
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/virt/ b/client/virt/
index 8fa64ca..398ecd4 100644
--- a/client/virt/
+++ b/client/virt/
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ def _remote_login(session, username, password, prompt, 
             match, text = session.read_until_last_line_matches(
                 [r"[Aa]re you sure", r"[Pp]assword:\s*$", r"[Ll]ogin:\s*$",
                  r"[Cc]onnection.*closed", r"[Cc]onnection.*refused",
-                 r"[Pp]lease wait", prompt],
+                 r"[Pp]lease wait", r"[Ww]arning", prompt],
                 timeout=timeout, internal_timeout=0.5)
             if match == 0:  # "Are you sure you want to continue connecting"
                 logging.debug("Got 'Are you sure...'; sending 'yes'")
@@ -592,7 +592,10 @@ def _remote_login(session, username, password, prompt, 
                 logging.debug("Got 'Please wait'")
                 timeout = 30
-            elif match == 6:  # prompt
+            elif match == 6:  # "Warning added RSA"
+                logging.debug("Got 'Warning added RSA to known host list")
+                continue
+            elif match == 7:  # prompt
                 logging.debug("Got shell prompt -- logged in")
         except aexpect.ExpectTimeoutError, e:

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