
Here are the logistics for the upcoming 1.0 hard freeze. All dates are reflected in the wiki[1].

If you're a contributor and you've sent a series before the soft freeze deadline, you've already done everything you need to do so sit back and enjoy gorge yourself on Halloween candy.

If you're a submaintainer, the deadline for PULL requests for 1.0 hard freeze will be EOD tomorrow (May 1st).

I encourage all submaintainers to spend today and tomorrow reviewing any outstanding patches on the mailing list. I will do the same.

Once everything is processed, I'll update VERSION, and tag v1.0-rc0. I will not upload a -rc0 tarball since this is basically a git snapshot. Unlike previous releases, we will do this stable development in HEAD.

Our first release candidate will be tagged and released on November 7th (next Tuesday). I'll do the release that Monday evening so that the -rc1 build is available for out Test Day[2].

To make the Test Day more successful, please sign up to test a specific area on the Test[3] wiki page.

We have a fairly long -rc cycle for this release so I expect submaintainers will continue to maintain patches in their tree. I also think it would be good to set up a -next staging tree but we can discuss that more in another thread.

[1] http://wiki.qemu.org/Planning/1.0
[2] http://mid.gmane.org/4ea94d53.3000...@redhat.com
[3] http://wiki.qemu.org/Planning/1.0/Testing


Anthony Liguori

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