On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:22 AM, Ingo Molnar wrote:

> We do even more than that, the perf ABI is fully backwards *and* 
> forwards compatible: you can run older perf on newer ABIs and newer 
> perf on older ABIs.

It's great to hear that!   But in that case, there's an experiment we can't 
really run, which is if perf had been developed in a separate tree, would it 
have been just as successful?

My belief is that perf was successful because *you* and the other perf 
developers were competent developers, and who got things right.   Not because 
it was inside the kernel tree.   You've argued that things were much better 
because it was inside the tree, but that's not actually something we can put to 
a scientific repeatable experiment.

I will observe that some of the things that caused me to be come enraged by 
system tap (such as the fact that I simply couldn't even build the damned thing 
on a non-Red Hat compilation environment, would not have been solved by moving 
Systemtap into the kernel git tree --- at least not without moving a large 
number of its external dependencies into the kernel tree as well, such as the 
elf library, et. al.)   So there is a whole class of problems that were seen in 
previous tooling systems that were not caused by the fact that they were 
separate from the kernel, but that they weren't being developed by the kernel 
developers, so they didn't understand how to make the tool work well for kernel 

If we had gone back in time, and had the same set of perf developers working in 
an external tree, and Systemtap and/or Oprofile had been developed in the 
kernel tree, would it really have made that much difference?   Sure, Linus and 
other kernel developers would have yelled at the Systemtap and Oprofile folks 
more, but I haven't seen that much evidence that they listened to us when they 
were outside of the kernel tree, and it's not obvious they would have listened 
with the code being inside the kernel tree.

My claim is that is that outcome wouldn't have been all that different, and 
that's because the difference was *you*, Ingo Molnar, as a good engineer, would 
have designed a good backwards compatible ABI whether the code was inside or 
outside of the kernel, and you would have insisted on good taste and usefulness 
to kernel programmers whether perf was in our out of the kernel, and you would 
have insisted on kernel coding guidelines and regular release cycles, even if 
perf was outside of the kernel.   As Linus sometimes like to say, in many cases 
it's more about the _people_.


-- Ted

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