Hey everyone,

I just subscribed to this list so please forgive me if I goof something up.

I was looking into the possibility of porting VMM to OSX. Is this on the
todo list already? Or something that anyone else is hoping for? Since it's
all written in Python (with GTK for the UI), it doesn't seem like it would
be too bad of a port. The hard part is finding all of the pre-req's for OSX.

Would someone that knows this code better than I, know of any walls I might
run into? Of course the gnome libs won't be available but I was thinking
those would get replaced with cocoa interface libs.

I've never ported anything before (probably obvious :) so any tips/advice
are welcome.

 python  >= 2.4
 pygtk2 >= 1.99.12-6
 libxml2-python >= 2.6.23

(Not sure if these exist for osx)
 libvirt-python >= 0.4.0
 dbus-python >= 0.61
 vte >= 0.12.2
 gtk-vnc >= 0.0.1
 python-virtinst >= 0.300.0
 PolicyKit >= 0.6

(Most likely don't exist for osx :)
 gnome-python2-gconf >= 1.99.11-7
 gnome-keyring >= 0.4.9
 gnome-python-desktop >= 2.15.4

Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
** Freelance for hire **

~~ Please use my website's contact form on www.genecrucean.com for any
personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~
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