On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 4:40 AM, Wangpan <hzwang...@corp.netease.com> wrote:
> I have a question as the subject above, the reason I want to know this is 
> that, if I attach some disks on the guest,
> for example, I specified /dev/vdc&/dev/vdd(target device) at the cmd line by 
> using 'virsh attach-disk', but they may be /dev/vdb&/dev/vdc in the guest os,
> so if the guest user want to detach the /dev/vdb(guest device), he\she will 
> be confused with the two target devices /dev/vdb&/dev/vdc,
> because he\she doesn't know the corresponding relation of the guest device 
> and target device,
> he\she may detach an error device /dev/vdd(target device) which corresponding 
> to /dev/vdc(guest device).
> Could anyone give me some idea?

You can use the virtio-blk serial or file system/volume labels to
distinguish them.

For libvirt disk <serial> information, see the Domain XML documentation:

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