Orit Wasserman <owass...@redhat.com> wrote on 21/03/2013 02:22:44 PM:

> By the way do you have some performance results, how does it improve
nested ?

Only the old numbers we obtained "emulating" this type of feature using
Nehalem processors and we --including you :)-- published in the Turtles
papers: http://static.usenix.org/event/osdi10/tech/slides/ben-yehuda.pdf
The results showed that up-to 40% of nested overhead was caused
by L0 trapping and emulating L1 vmread/vmwrite instructions.

To handle a single L2 exit, L1 performs around 10 vmread/vmwrite
instructions (10 exits + 10 entries), so this feature
should reduce the virtual exit/entry cost (L2->L1->L2)
by at least an order of magnitude. Instead of doing a long chain of
entries/exits (L2->L0->L1->L0->L1....L0->L1->L0->L2) we will have
a simple and short chain (L2->L0->L1->L0->L2).

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