On 6/11/2013 10:28 AM, Alexander Graf wrote:

> Is there any particular reason you're not going down that path for your ARM 
> implementation?

We see this as a good starting point to build on, we need baseline numbers
for performance, latency, interrupt throughput on real hardware
ASAP to build competency for NFV, which has demanding Dev. Passthrough
requirements. Over time we plan contributing to SMMU and VFIO as well
(we're looking into this now).

FYI NFV is an initiative wireless/fixed network operators are working 
towards - to virtualize Core, likely Radia Access and even Home Network 
equipment, this is a epic undertaking (i.e. Network Function Virtualization). 
So far VMware has taken the lead (mostly x86).
> On the embedded PPC side we've been discussing vfio and how it fits into a 
> device tree, non-PCI world for a while. If you like, we can dive into more 
> detail on that, either via email or via phone.

I'll email you offline, I'd like to know more what you've done on this
and see where we can align/leverage the effort.

- Mario
> Alex

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