Hi Mark,

Thank you for having a look!

On Wed, Jan 04, 2023 at 09:19:25AM +0000, Mark Rutland wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2023 at 02:27:59PM +0000, Alexandru Elisei wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Gentle ping regarding this.
> Hi Alexandru,
> Sorry for the delay; things were a bit hectic at the end of last year, and 
> this
> is still on my queue of things to look at.
> > Thanks,
> > Alex
> > 
> > On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 11:40:45AM +0000, Alexandru Elisei wrote:
> > > The previous discussion about how best to add SPE support to KVM [1] is
> > > heading in the direction of pinning at EL2 only the buffer, when the guest
> > > enables profiling, instead of pinning the entire VM memory. Although 
> > > better
> > > than pinning the entire VM at EL2, it still has some disadvantages:
> > > 
> > > 1. Pinning memory at stage 2 goes against the design principle of 
> > > secondary
> > > MMUs, which must reflect all changes in the primary (host's stage 1) page
> > > tables. This means a mechanism by which to pin VM memory at stage 2 must 
> > > be
> > > created from scratch just for SPE. Although I haven't done this yet, I'm a
> > > bit concerned that this will turn out to be fragile and/or complicated.
> > > 
> > > 2. The architecture allows software to change the VA to IPA translations
> > > for the profiling buffer when the buffer is enabled if profiling is
> > > disabled (the buffer is enabled, but sampling is disabled). Since SPE can
> > > be programmed to profile EL0 only, and there is no easy way for KVM to 
> > > trap
> > > the exact moment when profiling becomes enabled in this scenario to
> > > translate the buffer's guest VAs to IPA, to pin the IPAs at stage 2, it is
> > > required for KVM impose limitations on how a guest uses SPE for emulation
> > > to work.
> > > 
> > > I've prototyped a new approach [2] which eliminates both disadvantages, 
> > > but
> > > comes with its own set of drawbacks. The approach I've been working on is
> > > to have KVM allocate a buffer in the kernel address space to profile the
> > > guest, and when the buffer becomes full (or profiling is disabled for 
> > > other
> > > reasons), to copy the contents of the buffer to guest memory.
> This sounds neat!
> I have a few comments below, I'll try to take a more in-depth look shortly.
> > > I'll start with the advantages:
> > > 
> > > 1. No memory pinning at stage 2.
> > > 
> > > 2. No meaningful restrictions on how the guest programs SPE, since the
> > > translation of the guest VAs to IPAs is done by KVM when profiling has 
> > > been
> > > completed.
> > > 
> > > 3. Neoverse N1 errata 1978083 ("Incorrect programming of PMBPTR_EL1 might
> > > result in a deadlock") [6] is handled without any extra work.
> > > 
> > > As I see it, there are two main disadvantages:
> > > 
> > > 1. The contents of the KVM buffer must be copied to the guest. In the
> > > prototype this is done all at once, when profiling is stopped [3].
> > > Presumably this can be amortized by unmapping the pages corresponding to
> > > the guest buffer from stage 2 (or marking them as invalid) and copying the
> > > data when the guest reads from those pages. Needs investigating.
> I don't think we need to mess with the translation tables here; for a guest to
> look at the buffer it's going to have to look at PMBPTR_EL1 (and a guest could
> poll that and issue barriers without ever stopping SPE), so we could also 
> force
> writebacks when the guest reads PMBPTR_EL1.

I'm confused about this statement: are you saying that the guest must
necessarily read PMBPTR_EL1 before accessing the buffer, and therefore KVM
can defer all writebacks when PMBPTR_EL1 is read, or are you saying that
KVM could write back the buffer in two cases, when the buffer is full and
when the guest reads PMBPTR_EL1?

If it's the former, I just can't figure out why a guest must read
PMBPTR_EL1 before reading the buffer. Isn't a buffer full event all that's
needed to signal to the OS that the buffer contains valid records?

If it's the latter, then yes, that's a good idea.

> > > 2. When KVM profiles the guest, the KVM buffer owning exception level must
> > > necessarily be EL2. This means that while profiling is happening,
> > > PMBIDR_EL1.P = 1 (programming of the buffer is not allowed). PMBIDR_EL1
> > > cannot be trapped without FEAT_FGT, so a guest that reads the register
> > > after profiling becomes enabled will read the P bit as 1. I cannot think 
> > > of
> > > any valid reason for a guest to look at the bit after enabling profiling.
> > > With FEAT_FGT, KVM would be able to trap accesses to the register.
> This is unfortunate. :/

It really is.

> I agree it's unlikely the a guest would look at this, but I could imagine some
> OSs doing this as a sanity-check, since they never expect this to change, and
> if it suddenly becomes 1 they might treat this as an error.
> Can we require FGT for guest SPE usage?

All the machine that have SPE that I'm aware of don't have FGT. We could
document this as a limitiation of KVM's SPE emulation on machines that
don't have FEAT_FGT.

> > > 3. In the worst case scenario, when the entire VM memory is mapped in the
> > > host, this approach consumes more memory because the memory for the buffer
> > > is separate from the memory allocated to the VM. On the plus side, there
> > > will always be less memory pinned in the host for the VM process, since
> > > only the buffer has to be pinned, instead of the buffer plus the guest's
> > > stage 1 translation tables (to avoid SPE encountering a stage 2 fault on a
> > > stage 1 translation table walk). Could be mitigated by providing an ioctl
> > > to userspace to set the maximum size for the buffer.
> It's a shame we don't have a mechanism to raise an interrupt prior to the SPE
> buffer becoming full, or we could force a writeback each time we hit a
> watermark.

We do have a mechanism for that, use a smaller buffer :) Also, I think KVM
should try to avoid SPE interrupts before the guest buffer is filled,
because that means blackout windows.

> I suspect having a maximum size set ahead of time (and pre-allocating the
> buffer?) is the right thing to do. As long as it's set to a reasonably large
> value we can treat filling the buffer as a collision.

Or, when the KVM buffer fills, KVM could copy the contents of the buffer to
the guest, advance guest PMBPTR_EL1 accordingly, then check if the guest's
buffer pointer reached the buffer limit. If not, restart profiling by
reusing the same KVM buffer. Repeat until the guest buffer limit is
reached. This way KVM also avoids copying a big buffer all at once. But
introduces blackout windows which are not present on baremetal.

That's why I'm thinking that the ioctl to allow userspace to set a maximum
KVM buffer size should be optional. Might be worth adding the option for
userspace to choose what happens when the guest programs a buffer larger
than the KVM buffer size specified with the ioctl.

> > > I prefer this new approach instead of pinning the buffer at stage 2. It is
> > > straightforward, less fragile and doesn't limit how a guest can program
> > > SPE.
> Likewise, aside from the PMBIDR_EL1.P issue, this sounds very nice to me!



> Thanks,
> Mark.
> > > As for the prototype, I wrote it as a quick way to check if this approach
> > > is viable. Does not have SPE support for the nVHE case because I would 
> > > have
> > > had to figure out how to map a continuous VA range in the EL2's 
> > > translation
> > > tables; supporting only the VHE case was a lot easier.  The prototype
> > > doesn't have a stage 1 walker, so it's limited to guests that use 
> > > id-mapped
> > > addresses from TTBR0_EL1 for the buffer (although it would be trivial to
> > > modify it to accept addresses from TTBR1_EL1) - I've used kvm-unit-tests
> > > for testing [4]. I've tested the prototype on the model and on an Ampere
> > > Altra.
> > > 
> > > For those interested, kvmtool support to run the prototype has also been
> > > added [5] (add --spe to the command line to run a VM).
> > > 
> > > [1] https://lore.kernel.org/all/Yl6+JWaP+mq2Nc0b@monolith.localdoman/
> > > [2] 
> > > https://gitlab.arm.com/linux-arm/linux-ae/-/tree/kvm-spe-v6-copy-buffer-wip4-without-nvhe
> > > [3] 
> > > https://gitlab.arm.com/linux-arm/linux-ae/-/blob/kvm-spe-v6-copy-buffer-wip4-without-nvhe/arch/arm64/kvm/spe.c#L197
> > > [4] 
> > > https://gitlab.arm.com/linux-arm/kvm-unit-tests-ae/-/tree/kvm-spe-v6-copy-buffer-wip4
> > > [5] 
> > > https://gitlab.arm.com/linux-arm/kvmtool-ae/-/tree/kvm-spe-v6-copy-buffer-wip4
> > > [6] https://developer.arm.com/documentation/SDEN885747/latest
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Alex
> > > 
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