Thanks Xavier. I now have a clearer picture.


On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 11:33 AM Xavier Waintal <>

> Hi Shivang,
> Le 6 juin 2018 à 22:53, Shivang Agarwal <> a
> écrit :
> Hello authors,
> I am trying to perform an eigenchannel analysis of a graphene nanoribbon.
> For that I will be using the formula :
> *T(E) = ГL(E)½ GC†(E) ГR(E) GC(E) ГL(E)½ *
> where *ГL(E)* is the coupling matrix between the left lead and the
> conductor, *GC(E)* is the greens function matrix of the conductor
> (system) and '†' is the dagger operator. The equation is from the
> following paper:
> (1) Now as far as I know, Kwant allows us to calculate transmission as a
> number T(E). What I need for my code is 't' where Trace(t*†*t) = T(E).
> Could somebody let me know how can I get the desired quantity 't'?. But I
> don't know how I can get the coupling matrix *ГL(E) between the left (or
> right) lead and the conductor*
> The scattering matrix is actually the basic object that Kwant calculate
> directly.
> You can access it through
> kwant.solvers.default
> <>s.smatrix(
> …)
> The smatrix between two different leads is your transmission matrix t. For
> the same lead it is the reflexion matrix r.
> see:
> You could also calculate the Green function and the Gamma matrix that you
> mention, but I see
> no point in doing it.
> That would be  kwant.solvers.default
> <>.greens_function()
> for G(E)
> And
> kwant.physic
> <>
> s.selfenergy
> <>()
> for the lead self energy S(E)
> with Gamma(E) = i [ S(E) - S(E)^dagger]
> Best regards,
> Xavier
> (2) Also, we know that t = *ГL(E)½ GC(E) ГR(E)½ .But I don't know how I
> can get the coupling matrix ГL(E) between the left (or right) lead and the
> conductor. Is it possible to get too?*
> *PS - My aim is to find the wavefunctions inside the nanoribbon (which
> Kwant can do very conveniently) and also their phases! I have found the
> wavefunctions but am unable to find their phases. If there's any other way
> to find it that would also be extremely helpful.*
> *Any help would be greatly appreciated.*
> *Thanks and Regards,*
> *Shivang Agarwal*
> --
> *Shivang Agarwal*
> Junior Undergraduate
> Discipline of Electrical Engineering
> IIT Gandhinagar
> Contact: +91-9869321451

*Shivang Agarwal*
Junior Undergraduate
Discipline of Electrical Engineering
IIT Gandhinagar

Contact: +91-9869321451

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