Hi Denise,

> Has anyone recently tried to simulate Josephson Junctions using tkwant?
> I tried to follow the examples and tutorials, but several of them do
> not work in the last tkwant version.

Unfortunately tkwant does not presently have a maintainer, and no
developer time has been allocated to it. This may change in the future,
but at this point we cannot provide any promises. tkwant was anyway an
experimental code that is not "production ready" in the same way that
kwant is.

> I am sending attached and you can find below the code that I am
> running but the current does not oscillate as a function of time and
> the IV curve is linear. Any suggestions on what may be wrong? Any help
> or comment is appreciated.

Just skimming your code I notice the following:

>     ### add JJ phase
>     syst[(lat(-1,0),lat(0,0))] =  -t*np.exp(1j*phase(time))*c_e
> -t*np.exp(-1j*phase(time))*c_h  ### JJ phase

Here you are assigning a *constant value* to the hopping. Presumably you
would like instead to have a *function* that depends on time. You should
instead write something like:

    def hopping(site_a, site_b, time):

        return -t*np.exp(1j*phase(time))*c_e -t*np.exp(-1j*phase(time))*c_h

    syst[(lat(-1,0),lat(0,0))] = hopping

Happy (t)kwanting,


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