Hi All,

Short question regarding the definition of the hamiltonian in an SNS
junction. I have the following hamiltonian:
### S
syst[(lat(x, 0) for x in range(-S, 0))] = (2 * t - mu) * tau_z + Delta *
#### N
 syst[(lat(x, 0) for x in range(0, N))] = (2 * t - mu + barrier) * tau_z
 ### S
syst[(lat(x, 0) for x in range(N, N+S))] = (2 * t - mu) * tau_z + Delta *
with N=10 and S=20. However the wavefunction I get in return with the
boundstate algorithm (as this one, for example,
https://gitlab.kwant-project.org/kwant/boundstate) has twice the number of
sites in each region (N=20 and S =40).
Does anyone have any idea why it has twice the number of points and if I
can trust the solution in these points?

Here is an example that I've sent in the previous email.
[image: image.png]

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