
My name is Daehan Park. I am a new user for Kwant.

To accustom me to using Kwant, I start to attack simple quantum mechanics
problems in kwant program.

In below code, I try to solve a simple square barrier problem.
import kwant
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot
syst = kwant.Builder()

wire = kwant.lattice.chain(1)
t = 1.0       # hopping parameter
W = 100    # the number of atoms in the direction of width

for i in range(W):
    # on-site Hamiltonian

for i in range(10):
    # on-site Hamiltonian
    syst[(wire(i+10))]=2*t + 0.5

syst[wire.neighbors()] = -t     # hopping

# attaching leads
sys_left_lead = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry([-1])
left_lead = kwant.Builder(sys_left_lead)
left_lead[wire(0)] =  2*t
left_lead[wire.neighbors()] = -t

sys = syst.finalized()

def plot_conductance(sys, energies):
    # Compute conductance
    data = []
    for energy in energies:
        smatrix = kwant.smatrix(sys, energy)
        data.append(smatrix.transmission(1, 0))

    pyplot.plot(energies, data)
    pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]")
    pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]")

plot_conductance(sys, energies=[0.01* i + 1e-6 for i in range(500)])

The outcome above the code is as following;

[image: image.png]

My question is why conductance becomes zero when the incident energy is
over 4.

Thank you for reading my e-mail

Daehan Park.

Department of Physics,
Soongsil University,
369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu,
Seoul 156-743,
Republic of Korea (South Korea)
mail:  m31...@gmail.com

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