Dear Sudin,

Please post the code giving the error or explain better your concern.

Could you just do it by defining an on site function?

def Onsite(site):
    if y=y0: return Values[i]
   else: return V0


I hope this helps,

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 3:45 PM SUDIN GANGULY <>

> Dear Sir,
> I want to assign a particular sequence of site values on a particular line
> (a number of lines)  of a zigzag graphene nanoribbon. For example, the
> bottom zigzag line.
> let's say, from the left to right there are 10 sites and I want to put the
> onsite values as [1,2,3,...].
> I was able to get the information about the sites that are in the bottom
> line and have assigned the site values accordingly. But the problem is that
> each time I finalize the system, I get different onsite values along the
> bottom line. Is there any way to resolve this? Or maybe this approach is
> not the right way to do that.
> A part of my code is given below
> ========================
> def make_system(W, L, no_of_line):
> ## scattering region ##
> sys = kwant.Builder()
> sys[lat.shape(cross(W,L), (0,0))] = 0
> sys[lat.neighbors(1)] = -1.
> #######INFO of the line#########
> line=[]
> for site in sys.expand(lat.shape(cross(W,L), (0, 0))):
> #print (site.pos[0],site.pos[1])
> line.append(site.pos[1])
> line=set(line)
> line=list(line)
> line=sort(line)
> i=1
> for site in sys.expand(lat.shape(cross(W,L), (0, 0))):
>    for j in range(0,no_of_line+1,2):
>    line_no=j
>      if  (site.pos[1]==line[line_no] or site.pos[1]==line[line_no+1]):
>        sys[site]=i
>        i=i+1
> ########################
> With Regards,
> Sudin

Abbout Adel

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