On 27/12/2012 Christer Irgens-Møller wrote:
Hereby an up-to-date translation of the press release on
"Apache software Foundation announces ...."
Please forward to the Danish team.

Thanks Christer, the Danish team is already on this mailing list.

If I understand correctly, you are providing an improved translation of the Danish home page. You sent two versions, but the one to use is the second, that I've temporarily put at
(this mailing list does not normally accept attachments, even though small files like yours manage to pass). I can put it online after it has been approved by the Danish team.

Three small observations:

1) Your translation, and the current text at http://www.openoffice.org/da/ , contain a link to a user survey hosted at smartsurvey.dk. Danish team: is this something you control? Otherwise it's better to get rid of it.

2) You ask to explain the difference between OpenOffice and LibreOffice on the Danish home page. This can be postponed since we will answer it globally in January as part of the "Ask OpenOffice" initiative: http://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=2033e8

3) If you wish to take a look at the current Danish development version, you can find it at http://people.apache.org/~jsc/respin_aoo341/ ; please report any translation bugs you find (even though I'm not sure, and again I'm asking it to the Danish team here, that this version contains the latest Pootle updates).


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