
Danish is currently not available in 4.0, We do have a couple of people
working on the missing translation, to make it available in 4.0.1

If you want to give a hand translating the missing parts it would be

To know how to help have a look
athttp://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html and to see our
system, Pootle, in action

If you after having had a look, still want to help it is a good idea to
subscribe to the mail list, so you get informed about all news. You do that
by sending an email to  l10n-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org

If you start making a couple of suggestion, I (I am danish too) will review
them, and you will get your own user. I will then coordinate the work, we
miss only 4.300 words, so its not much, and the target date is beginning
september for a patch release.
Please alse read https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/XBT8AQ to start.
 Look forward to work with you.


jan I.

On 22 August 2013 11:51, Camilla Petersen <noartn...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Ill helt with danish translation

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