On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
> Rob Weir wrote:
>> If you need more help for an OpenOffice translation effort please let me
>> know.
> This will surely be welcome. But we are now in a (hopefully short) moment
> where some administrative operations (like exporting translations and
> creating users) are not working due to a problematic upgrade.
> So I would recommend to wait until
> https://issues.apache.org/jira//browse/INFRA-7160
> is fixed before making a call.

Maybe a good time to work on updating the NL websites, as we wait for Pootle...

> And then, it should be remembered that we are faster in loading into Pootle
> an existing translation (those listed at
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/trunk/extras/l10n/source/ ; often
> they are 50-80% translated) than in supporting an entirely new language.
>> This works especially well if you
>> already have a volunteer willing to take the lead on coordinating the
>> translation effort.
> So far we are having good results even with having one motivated volunteer
> for some languages. Anyway, we could use these channels to enlarge the teams
> too.

I mean, if we call for more volunteers for a language, it will work
best if we have a more experienced existing volunteer willing to help
coordinate the new volunteers.  And even if one person could do the
work, it is more sustainable if we have a 2 or 3 involved.  Otherwise
we risk having a language appear in on release, but not another
release, if the sole translator is busy with school, work, family,
etc.   It is almost impossible to have too much help.  Well, except
when Pootle is not working ;-)


> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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