I have reopened the case since the English dictionaries (at least the en_GB) have thousands of new words since the last AOO release a year ago.

I have gone beyond the 14'000 new words in en_GB :-P


Kind regards,
    >Marco A.G.Pinto

On 08/08/2015 19:29, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
If you want a dictionary to be updated in OpenOffice 4.1.2, please open an issue like https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=125965 (note: for non-English builds, you will use the "Native-Lang" component) AND notify this list, or just notify this list.

Dictionary updates suggested within the next week (by 16 August) will be included in OpenOffice 4.1.2. It will still be possible to suggest updates later, but I can't guarantee that we will have time to include them.

Please remember to ALWAYS notify this list: Bugzilla has a lot of noise and if an issue is not filed properly we may miss it.



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