Aivaras Stepukonis wrote:
The fix was committed to the trunk on 2015-01-16. That is a while ago.
What is exactly the cause for the fix not finding its way into 4.1.2
given that it resides on the trunk? What else can I do to avoid this
omission in the future?

The issue is: we had two parallel development branches. One is the trunk, which would lead to OpenOffice 4.2.0. For various reasons, though, we decided to create a 4.1.2 release; all bugs that were fixed in 4.1.2 were explicitly approved and merged from trunk, so 4.1.2 is something like "4.1.1 plus many bugfixes that already existed in trunk and were approved one by one". So only a small part of the trunk fixes made it to 4.1.2.

When I sent the calls for proposing blocker issues this one should have been proposed and included.

Now it's a bit early to think about the future, but this should clarify your doubts: a 4.2.0 release would automatically pick up all trunk fixes, a 4.1.x release would not.


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