Hello !

I am using  IPsec  to secure 802.11   wireless connections and  it  is
working fine with pure  IPsec.  However, with Mac  OS X as client, the
simplest solution seems to be using l2tpd. From Mac  OS X, if I try to
establish the VPN,   it negociates correctly the   keys and tries   to
connect to the L2TP server which is not yet installed.

Clients are  using fixed IP since we  need to do  some accounting. The
clients take their IP from plain DHCP, negociate  the key with IKE and
establish the tunnel from the same IP (if they  get x.y.z.w from DHCP,
the tunnel will cover this IP as well and the IPsec tunnel end will be
x.y.z.w as well; this works fine).

   Client                        Gateway
  x.y.z.w ---------------------- x.y.z.t
  x.y.z.w ====================== x.y.z.t ---------------- x.y.u.v

=== is IPsec
--- is plain IP

Now, if I put l2tp on top of that, I will need to give some IP range
and the tunnel end will be an IP in this range. Two questions :
 - is there a way the tunnel end to have the  same IP as the one given
   by DHCP (which is fixed), i.e that all traffic  coming from this IP
   will pass  through L2TP, except the  traffic concerning L2TP (which
   should  go over  plain IPsec) and  the  one  concerning  IKE (which
   should go unencrypted) ?

   Client                        Gateway
  x.y.z.w ---------------------- x.y.z.t
  x.y.z.w ====================== x.y.z.t 
     C     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   G     ---------------- x.y.u.v

In this figure, I would like C = x.y.z.w and G = x.y.z.t

 - if not, can I  fix the client  L2TP address from its IPsec  address
   (for example, if IPsec address from the  DHCP is x.y.z.w, I want to
   give the address 10.1.z.w) ? If such a  thing is possible, I should
   be able to  use  SNAT to give  back  the "correct" address  and  IP
   accounting will be easy.

Make sure all variables are initialised before use.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plaugher)

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