On Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 20:55:51 -0700, ahmad kamal wrote:
> i've been trying to load another l4 task using run-l4 in l4linux, but i've 
> got error
> the error is -8(cannot a find module)
> here is my conf file
> #launch.conf
> verbose 0
> modpath "(hd0,2)/boot/l4app"
> task "hello"
> and here is the cmd i run:
> run-l4 --fprov "BMODFS" "(hd0,2)/boot/l4app/launch.conf"
When using bmodfs you do not need to specify a path.

> here are few question:
> do i need to load run-l4 during boot time, in other words do i need to define 
> it in menu.lst?

No, run-l4 is a Linux program, it only works in L4Linux.

> do i need to load the task i would like to call using run-l4 during boot time?

The binary needs to be available at the file provider you're using. So
when using bmodfs the binary needs to be loaded in menu.lst as a data
module for bmodfs (basically as usual).

Adam                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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