Dear Adam,

                How are you doing now ?
                I am fresh member for L4re  .
Now I have GPIO Mapping problems happened when run the L4re in Arm 11 (6410 ).

               .devs ==> Res.mmio(0x7f008100, 0x7f00813f);
.lcd.c ==>l4io_request_iomem(0x7f008100, 0x03f, L4IO_MEM_NONCACHED, &lcd_gpio_virt_base);

when "l4_mem_write(lcd_gpio_virt_base+0x00,L4_MEM_WIDTH_4BYTE,0xaaaaaaaa);
                download in real-hw board : the core will died as it :

Ned: loading file: 'rom/arm-rv-lcd.cfg'

       hello   | Hello World!
       IO      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw6DeviceE
       IO      | GTF: register factory for 7Pci_dev
       IO      | GTF: register factory for N2Hw12Msi_resourceE
       IO      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw11Gpio_deviceE
       IO      | Io service
       IO      | Ready. Waiting for request.
       fbdrv   | Using LCD driver: S3C6410
       fbdrv   | lcd_control_virt_base is 0x3000
       fbdrv   | lcd_gpio_virt_base is 0x4000
       fbdrv   | Video memory is at virtual 0x5000 (size: 0x3fc00 Bytes)
       fbdrv   | Physical video memory is at 0x50394000   ==>core died

                after delete it and only use l4_mem_read , value always is

                 IO       | Ready. Waiting for request.

       fbdrv   | Using LCD driver: S3C6410
       fbdrv   | lcd_control_virt_base is 0x3000
       fbdrv   | lcd_gpio_virt_base is 0x4000
       fbdrv   | Video memory is at virtual 0x5000 (size: 0x3fc00 Bytes)
       fbdrv   | Physical video memory is at 0x50395000
       fbdrv   | 0 value is 0x220022   ==> core run is ok.

       In the range of the GPIO  ,whatever I defined , the
       lcd_gpio_virt_base + offset (value 0) is always 0x220022 ,can't
       be written  .
       the lcd_gpio_virt_base + offset (value 0x04) is always 0x23 ,can
       be written ,but value never be changed .
        From Offset (value 0x08) is normal . why only GPIO like this ,I
       write some time and control -register always OK.

       Do you know Why , Can you give me some advices ? Thank you .

         I also try to .devs ==> Res.mmio(0x7f008000, 0x7f00813f);
                            .lcd.c ==>l4io_request_iomem(0x7f008000,
       0x03f, L4IO_MEM_NONCACHED, &lcd_gpio_virt_base);
       The offset 0x00 ,and 0x04 same problem ,but  now I can write
       0xaaaaaaaa for this IO port,  even though working not well .

         please help to check the problem .
         Do you have some good example for this .

> .devs file :

       local Res = Io.Res
       local Hw = Io.Hw

          LCD = Hw.Device
              hid = "LCD s3c6410";
              Res.mmio(0x77100000, 0x77100fff);
          GPIO = Hw.Device
              hid = "LCDGPIO";
              Res.mmio(0x7f008100, 0x7f00813f);

 > .cfg file : is not changed ,same as arm-rv-lcd.cfg
 > .io file :

         gui => new System_bus()

       fbdrv => new System_bus()
           LCD => wrap(hw-root.LCD);
           GPIO => wrap(hw-root.GPIO);

       entry arm-lcd-example

   bootstrap bootstrap -serial
   kernel fiasco -serial_esc
   roottask moe rom/arm-rv-lcd.cfg
   module arm-rv-lcd.cfg
   module arm-rv-eb.devs
   module l4re
   module io
   module ned
   module fb-drv
   module mag
   module ex_fb_spectrum_cc
   module hello

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