Thank you Adam! I tried AMD K5 and it compiled. I will try to run it. I changed 
L4re since the config for Linux is very clear for me. I did not see specific 
processor model, I will explore more.

Thank you again

> On Jun 20, 2017, at 6:05 PM, Adam Lackorzynski <> 
> wrote:
> On Tue Jun 20, 2017 at 17:57:26 -0500, Daniel (Xiaolong) Wang wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m trying to use L4re to run L4linux. I successfully built the fiasco 
>> kernel and l4re with the default setting from the newest l4re-snapshot. 
>> However when I try to build L4linux it shows it shows:
>> “ld: skipping incompatible 
>> /home/daniel/Desktop/l4re-snapshot/src/l4/builddir/lib/x86_pentium4/l4f/libl4sys-direct.a
>>  when searching for -ll4sys-direct”
>> "ld: skipping incompatible 
>> /home/daniel/Desktop/l4re-snapshot/src/l4/builddir/lib/x86_pentium4/l4f/libl4sys.a
>>  when searching for -ll4sys"
>> "ld: cannot find -ll4sys”
>> I assume it is the platform of L4re I built is not compatible with the 
>> L4Linux settings. I built L4re for x86_586 and x86_pentium4.
>> My question is that is there a compatible X86 CPU platform the works for 
>> both L4re and L4Linux? Should I built AMD64 instead?
> You can either build for x86-32 or for x86-64, but for both the same of
> course. Check you L4Linux .config what's actually selected and change if
> different. You can also select one of the available defconfigs.
> Adam
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