
On Fri Nov 24, 2017 at 10:30:31 +0100, Alexander Weidinger wrote:
> I'm using U-Boot in the version v2017.09 by denx to boot the device.
> The binary blobs `bootcode.bin` and `start.elf` are from [0].
> Additionally the `config.txt` in use is as follows:
> > kernel=u-boot.bin
> > enable_uart=1
> > init_uart_baud=115200
> > init_uart_clock=3000000
> I'm directly using the *.elf file(s) and copy them to `loadaddr`,
> which should be 0x00200000.

Thanks for all the info. I can only try to reproduce this to eventually
understand what the problem is.

Thanks, Adam

> [0] https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/1.20170811/boot
> On 24.11.2017 01:10, Adam Lackorzynski wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Tue Nov 21, 2017 at 16:19:52 +0100, Alexander Weidinger wrote:
> >> Hello Antoine, hello l4-hackers,
> >>
> >> I'm currently trying to replicate the port to RPi2 for Fiasco/Genode,
> >> which works great, until I get stuck in the boot process:
> >>
> >>> L4 Bootstrapper                                                           
> >>>       
> >>>   Build: #7 Di 21. Nov 15:19:58 CET 2017, 5.4.0                           
> >>>       
> >>>   Scanning up to 960 MB RAM, starting at offset 32MB                      
> >>>       
> >>>   Memory size is 960MB (00000000 - 3bffffff)                              
> >>>       
> >>>   RAM: 0000000000000000 - 000000003bffffff: 983040kB                      
> >>>       
> >>>   Total RAM: 960MB                                                        
> >>>       
> >>>   Scanning fiasco                                                         
> >>>       
> >>>   Scanning sigma0                                                         
> >>>       
> >>>   Scanning moe                                                            
> >>>       
> >>>   Moving up to 5 modules behind 1100000                                   
> >>>       
> >>>   moving module 02 { 10ed000-111e4a3 } -> { 11de000-120f4a3 } [201892]    
> >>>       
> >>>   moving module 01 { 10db000-10ec337 } -> { 11cc000-11dd337 } [70456]     
> >>>       
> >>>   moving module 00 { 1053000-10da0e7 } -> { 1144000-11cb0e7 } [553192]    
> >>>       
> >>>   moving module 04 { 1031000-105257b } -> { 1122000-114357b } [136572]    
> >>>       
> >>>   moving module 03 { 100f000-1030467 } -> { 1100000-1121467 } [136296]    
> >>>       
> >>>   Loading fiasco                                                          
> >>>       
> >>>   Loading sigma0                                                          
> >>>       
> >>>   Loading moe                                                             
> >>>       
> >>>   find kernel info page...                                                
> >>>       
> >>>   found kernel info page (via ELF) at 2000                                
> >>>       
> >>> Regions of list 'regions'                                                 
> >>>       
> >>>     [     1000,      1a3f] {      a40} Kern   fiasco                      
> >>>       
> >>>     [     2000,     96fff] {    95000} Kern   fiasco                      
> >>>       
> >>>     [    97000,     970eb] {       ec} Root   mbi_rt                      
> >>>       
> >>>     [    e0000,     ea9e7] {     a9e8} Sigma0 sigma0                      
> >>>       
> >>>     [    f0000,     f517b] {     517c} Sigma0 sigma0                      
> >>>       
> >>>     [   140000,    17c4eb] {    3c4ec} Root   moe                         
> >>>       
> >>>     [  1000000,   100e523] {     e524} Boot   bootstrap                   
> >>>       
> >>>     [  1100000,   1143fff] {    44000} Root   Module                      
> >>>       
> >>>   found kernel options (via ELF) at 3000                                  
> >>>       
> >>>   Sigma0 config    ip:000e0100 sp:00000000                                
> >>>       
> >>>   Roottask config  ip:00140254 sp:00000000                                
> >>>       
> >>>   Starting kernel fiasco at 00001200                                      
> >>>       
> >>>   Non-HYP kernel detected but running in HYP mode, switching back
> >>
> >> Sometimes (non-reproducible) additionally I get:
> >>> [...]
> >>> Hello from Startup::stage2
> >>
> >> Which means stage2 comes up but hangs afterwards.
> >> And even sometimes I am able to completely boot the device:
> > 
> > Seems some initialization thing to me in your case.
> > "Unfortunately" works fine for me so far. Are you using u-boot or
> > are you booting differently?
> > 
> > Adam
> > 
> >>> [...]                                                                     
> >>>       
> >>> FPU: Initialize                                                           
> >>>       
> >>> FPU0: Subarch: 2, Part: 30, Rev: 5, Var: 7, Impl: 41                      
> >>>       
> >>> ARM generic timer: freq=19200000 interval=19200 cnt=36679846728534094     
> >>>       
> >>> SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 57 for serial uart                              
> >>>       
> >>> Not using serial hack in slow timer handler.                              
> >>>       
> >>> Welcome to L4/Fiasco.OC!                                                  
> >>>       
> >>> L4/Fiasco.OC microkernel on arm                                           
> >>>       
> >>> Rev: r75 compiled with gcc 5.4.0 for Broadcom 2836    []                  
> >>>       
> >>> Build: #2 Tue Nov 21 15:17:05 CET 2017                                    
> >>>       
> >>>                                                                           
> >>>       
> >>> Calibrating timer loop... done.                                           
> >>>       
> >>> MDB: use page size: 20                                                    
> >>>       
> >>> MDB: use page size: 12                                                    
> >>>       
> >>> SIGMA0: Hello!                                                            
> >>>       
> >>>   KIP @ 2000                                                              
> >>>       
> >>>   allocated 4KB for maintenance structures                                
> >>>       
> >>> SIGMA0: Dump of all resource maps                                         
> >>>       
> >>> RAM:------------------------                                              
> >>>       
> >>> [0:0;fff]                                                                 
> >>>       
> >>> [4:97000;97fff]                                                           
> >>>       
> >>> [0:98000;dffff]                                                           
> >>>       
> >>> [0:eb000;effff]                                                           
> >>>       
> >>> [0:f6000;13ffff]                                                          
> >>>       
> >>> [4:140000;17cfff]                                                         
> >>>       
> >>> [0:17d000;10fffff]                                                        
> >>>       
> >>> [4:1100000;1143fff]                                                       
> >>>       
> >>> [0:1144000;3affffff]                                                      
> >>>       
> >>> IOMEM:----------------------                                              
> >>>       
> >>> [0:3c000000;ffffffff]                                                     
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: Hello world                                                          
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: found 965472 KByte free memory                                       
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: found RAM from 97000 to 3b000000                                     
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: allocated 943 KByte for the page array @0x17d000                     
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: virtual user address space [0-bfffffff]                              
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: rom name space cap -> [C:103000]                                     
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: rwfs name space cap -> [C:105000]                                    
> >>>       
> >>>   BOOTFS: [1100000-1121468] [C:107000] l4re                               
> >>>       
> >>>   BOOTFS: [1122000-114357c] [C:109000] hello                              
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: cmdline: moe --init=rom/hello                                        
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: Starting: rom/hello                                                  
> >>>       
> >>> MOE: loading 'rom/hello'                                                  
> >>>       
> >>> Hello World!
> >>
> >> As one can see I tried to replicate this for vanilla Fiasco/L4Re (r75),
> >> just to make sure. The same happens of course with Fiasco/Genode where
> >> I'm also only sometimes (non-reproducible) able to completely boot the
> >> device.
> >>
> >> I also saw the `globalconfig.out` from the thread 'Booting L4Linux on
> >> Raspberry Pi 2'. When using the same configuration, where you (Antoine)
> >> were able to successfully boot the RPi2 I'm stuck with the same problem.
> >>
> >> On the bright side, booting Fiasco/L4Re in Qemu (vers. 2.10.1) seems to
> >> always work when using the following command to start it up:
> >>> qemu-system-arm -M raspi2 -kernel 
> >>> /home/alex/Projects/foc_upstream/l4/build_rpi2/images/bootstrap.elf 
> >>> -nographic
> >>
> >> If one could give me some insight on why this happens and/or how to
> >> resolve this, I'd really appreciate it.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Alexander
> > 
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