Hi Andreas,

On Mon Dec 14, 2020 at 15:35:08 -0800, Andreas Steinmetzler wrote:
> in some experiments I'm trying to run Fiasco/L4re on a Aaeon FWS2360
> (https://www.aaeon.com/en/p/desktop-network-appliance-fws-2360) with an
> Intel Atom C3558. Unfortunately Fiasco gets stuck on boot when trying to
> start the different cores of the processor (I'm using the latest published
> l4re-snapshot-20.10.0). For this test I'm using the "hello world" ISO build
> with this command
>     make E=hello grub2iso MODULE_SEARCH_PATH="${PWD}/../build-fiasco-amd64"
> The ISO image boots fine on another amd64 system.  After adding some
> printf()'s to the file kernel_thread-ia32.cpp it looks to me that things get
> stuck with this call:
>   // Send IPI-Sequency to startup the APs
>   Apic::mp_startup(Cpu::boot_cpu(), Apic::APIC_IPI_OTHERS, tramp_page);
> as it does not return anymore ... any hint how to debug this or drill down
> to get more information and the AtomC3558 system to boot?

The first thing I'd check is whether it runs on a single core only at
least (i.e. commenting out the mp_startup call)?
Then it's probably good diving into mp_startup to see at which point
therein it is hanging. Then we'll see whether this tells us something.

Thanks, Adam

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