On Thursday, 11 February 2021 01:32:58 CET Paul Boddie wrote:
> Anyway, I'm now back to debugging concurrency issues, and perhaps other
> resource issues, once again. But it was useful to review this particular
> issue and to try and venture beyond a basic proof of concept towards
> something more robust.

Sorry for repeating my usual bad habit of following up to myself with 
questions and observations, but maybe there are some insights to be shared. 

I have been exercising my code, discovering issues (of course), and have been 
seeing interesting behaviour with regard to attaching and detaching dataspaces 
to and from tasks. My code deliberately does this a lot, with each thread of a 
"client" task attaching to a distinct dataspace provided via a capability, 
accessing the dataspace, and then detaching the dataspace (and also releasing 
the capability).

What I now wonder about is what the region manager does when asked to detach a 
dataspace and what happens to any memory mappings established within that 
dataspace's region. Obviously, during the lifetime of the association, map 
requests will have caused flexpages to be transferred to the accessing task, 
and thus virtual memory mappings will be defined within the dataspace region.

My observations indicate that a dataspace may be associated with a particular 
base address, but if the dataspace is detached and then another is attached 
later, the same base address may be associated with the new dataspace. 
Intuitively, this should be expected (the region manager is merely reusing 
address space) and not be problematic. After all, the new dataspace is 
distinct from the old one, and the expectation should be that any traces of 
the old one should have been removed.

However, my observations also seem to indicate that having attached such a new 
dataspace, accesses may proceed without any page faults occurring (and thus 
without any map requests being made), with the accessed data being that made 
available by the previous dataspace. You can probably understand now why I am 
doing all this testing!

So, does the region manager request the invalidation of virtual memory 
mappings when dataspaces are detached, or is it the job of the task providing 
the dataspace to unmap the regions involved? Or is there a function that I 
have overlooked to make the region manager invalidate mappings?

(Currently, I just use l4re_rm_detach, but l4re_rm_detach_unmap seems to be 
equivalent when the current task is indicated. My dataspaces will unmap memory 
but only if it is not exported by another dataspace, since there are several 
in existence at any given time.)

Not detaching dataspaces prevents these data conflicts and suggests that the 
problem has something to do with dataspace management and not necessarily some 
implementation issue within the dataspace itself. However, not detaching 
dataspaces is obviously not a solution.

As always, any helpful suggestions or recommendations are very welcome!


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