
I have been working through reimplementing the mechanisms involved with 
launching programs in L4Re, managing to initiate programs apparently 
successfully under QEMU emulating amd64 and x86, but I have been less 
successful getting them to work under QEMU emulating a MIPS system (MIPS 

My arrangement of threads within tasks should be fairly similar to what L4Re 
normally employs to host and run programs, and I wrote it up here:

"Gradual Explorations of Filesystems, Paging and L4Re"

The pictures at the end summarise what has been done. I have a region mapper 
running in a thread in the same task as the program to be launched. The region 
mapper handles page faults and interacts with dataspaces on the program's 
behalf. Faults caused by the region mapper are handled by the initiating task.

What I seem to have avoided previously but now experience is that after the 
region mapper has been started, it is able to service page faults, but after a 
certain point in the execution of the program of interest, the region mapper 
itself experiences an exception in the __pthread_cleanup_push_defer function 
within uClib's pthreads implementation, specifically at this line:

  buffer->__canceltype = THREAD_GETMEM(self, p_canceltype);

Digging into this, I found that self is apparently zero. Since self is 
obtained from a call to thread_self which in turn obtains the user[0] member 
of the thread control register structure (providing the thread descriptor 
address), I can only conclude that either this member has not been initialised 
or that it has been overwritten by the other thread as it started up.

Investigating uClibc startup, I notice that pthread initialisation does indeed 
involve a traversal of UTCB areas, zeroing user[0] in the supposedly free UTCB 
blocks. And with the region mapper having failed, the main program will also 
fail fairly quickly, with an exception typically occurring in the 
__pthread_initialize_minimal function, coincidentally just after this zeroing 
has occurred, just before a call to __libc_setup_tls.

I have been looking for hints as to how this work is done in L4Re normally. 
Given that the region mapper and the program being run are normal programs 
that are executed via their conventional entry points, this resulting in the 
initialisation of the C library and threading for each payload, it seems that 
some measures must be in place to prevent this initialisation from causing 
conflicts in the UTCB area.

For instance, I see that in the file...


... the __libc_alloc_initial_tls function is redefined to presumably override 
the weakly referenced version in uClibc, but if this were invoked it would 
probably cause uClibc to fail during initialisation, at least unless the zero 
page is going to be used (but it would need allocation somewhere else), so 
maybe it doesn't override anything after all. In any case, this function would 
only change some aspects of how __libc_setup_tls would work, so maybe it is a 

I did wonder if there was something specific about MIPS that would cause this 
failure, investigating the user-local register (ULR) used to hold UTCB-related 
information, but getting the UTCB address via the ULR would appear to work: 
otherwise, the region mapper would probably not start up. I also wondered 
about program initialisation issues, since I did experience problems on actual 
MIPS hardware related to various registers not being set up correctly, but the 
generated code seems fairly comprehensive in this regard these days (and maybe 
it was all along but I encountered a confounding phenomenon).

Does anyone have any familiarity with how this actually works and might be 
able to indicate what I am doing wrong?

As always, thanks for any help that can be offered!


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