... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and
souls can mend...

Friday, November 18, 2005

House of Horrors...

The talk of the town is the torture house they recently found in Jadriya.

The whole world heard about the one in Jadriya, recently raided by the
Americans. Jadriya was once one of the best areas in Baghdad. It's an area
on the river and is special in that it's greener, and cleaner, than most
areas. Baghdads largest university, Baghdad University, is located in
Jadriya (with a campus in another area). Jadriya had some of the best shops
and restaurants- not to mention some of Baghdad's most elegant homes....
and apparently, now, a torture house.

We hear constantly about these torture dungeons. Right after the war,
certain areas became infamous for them. The world knows them as 'torture
houses' for the obvious reasons- they were once ordinary homes, and now
they've become torture centers for suspects and innocents alike. The Iraqi
government conveniently calls them 'detention centers' and the Iraqi
Ministry of Interior oversees and funds them.

One area which was well-known for its torture houses immediately after the
war was Sadir City in Baghdad. Except they weren't called torture houses
back then. The people who ran them called them 'ma7akim' or 'courts'. They
would bring 'suspects' in for interrogation- often ordinary citizens- and
beat and whip them for various confessions involving accusations and alleged
crimes. A 'Sayid' would then come in and sentence the culprit- the sentence
would sometimes involve cutting off a hand or a foot and at other times it
might be death. We heard this from an aunts neighbor who was mistakenly
taken in and beaten as a suspected former security agent. His family
connections with influential Shia clerics in the area were the only things
that got him out alive- bruised and broken- but alive.

These torture houses have existed since the beginning of the occupation.
While it is generally known that SCIRI is behind them, other religious
parties are not innocent. The Americans know they exist- why the sudden
shock and outrage? This is hardly news for Americans in the Green Zone.
The timing is quite interesting- it shouldn't matter that this raid came
immediately after the whole white phosphorous story came out, but the
Pentagon and American military have proven to be the ultimate masters of

Only last year in an area called Ghazaliya, one such house was discovered.
It was on a smaller scale though. My cousin lives in Ghazaliya and he said
that when the Americans got inside, they found several corpses and a man
hanging from the ceiling on a makeshift noose. The neighbors had tried to
get the Americans to check the house for months- no one bothered. They
finally raided it because they got information from someone in the area that
it was an insurgents hiding place. I read once that in New York, if a woman
is being raped, she should scream 'fire' instead of 'rape' because no one
would come to save her if she was screaming 'rape'. That's the way it is
with Iraqi torture houses- the only way they'll check it is if you tell them
it's a terrorist cell.

And another thing- you know when they say 'men dressed in Ministry of
Interior uniforms' or 'men in official cars claiming to be from the Ministry
of Interior', etc. when describing some horror committed by the new Iraqi
security forces in the news? Here's a thought: they aren't 'claiming' and
they aren't in costume- they actually ARE from the Ministry of Interior! One
would think they'd do this covertly so as not to enrage Iraqis or
humanitarian organisations, except that it doesn't matter to them because
SCIRI and Da'awa aren't out to win hearts and minds. They have American
favor- what more does one need in the New Iraq?

For over a year corpses have been turning up all over Baghdad. Corpses of
people who are taken from their homes in the middle of the night (lately
they've been more brazen- they just do everything in the light of day), and
turn up dead somewhere. That isn't as disturbing as the reports about the
bodies- the one I can't get out of my head is that many of the corpses are
found with holes in the skull left by an electric drill.

I guess the lucky ones go to Abu Ghraib....

And it's not only 'suspected insurgents' who disappear- Iraqi security
forces have been known to raid complete areas and detain any males from the
ages of 12 to 60- especially in Sunni areas. Those 'suspected terrorists'
that are rounded up and taken away- you know where they disappear to now.

Interior Minister Bayan Jabr (SCIRI
Thug-Made-Government-Official-In-Italian-Suits) is mollifying Iraqis with
this little gem,

...the group included Shiites as well as Sunnis....

I'm sure we can all sleep better at night with the knowledge that
SCIRI/Da'awa torturers don't discriminate according to religious sect-
under the new constitution, American military guidance, and the
blessings of the Pentagon- all Iraqis will be tortured equally.


- posted by river @ 12:02 AM

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Conventional Terror...

It sat on my PC desktop for five days.

The first day I read about it on the internet, on some site, my heart sank.
White phosphorous in Falloojeh. I knew nothing about white phosphorous,
of course, and a part of me didn't want to know the details. I tried
downloading the film four times and was almost relieved when I got
disconnected all four times.

E. had heard about the film too and one of his friends S. finally brought it
by on CD. He and E. shut themselves up in the room with the computer to
watch the brief documentary. E. came out half an hour later looking pale-
his lips tightened in a straight line, which is the way he looks when he's
pensive... thinking about something he'd rather not discuss.

"Hey- I want to see it too." I half-heartedly called out after him, as he
walked S. to the door.

"It's on the desktop- but you really don't want to see it." E. said.

I avoided the computer for five days because every time I switched it on,
the file would catch my eye and call out to me. now plaintively- begging to
be watched, now angrily- condemning my indifference.

Except that it was never indifference. it was a sort of dread that sat deep
in my stomach, making me feel like I had swallowed a dozen small stones. I
didn't want to see it because I knew it contained the images of the dead
civilians I had in my head.

Few Iraqis ever doubted the American use of chemical weapons in Falloojeh.
We've been hearing the terrifying stories of people burnt to the bone for
well over a year now. I just didn't want it confirmed.

I didn't want it confirmed because confirming the atrocities that occurred
in Falloojeh means verifying how really lost we are as Iraqis under American
occupation and how incredibly useless the world is in general- the UN, Kofi
Annan, humanitarian organizations, clerics, the Pope, journalists. you name
it- we've lost faith in it.

I finally worked up enough courage to watch it and it has lived up to my
worst fears. Watching it was almost an invasive experience, because I felt
like someone had crawled into my mind and brought my nightmares to life.
Image after image of men, women and children so burnt and scarred that the
only way you could tell the males apart from the females, and the children
apart from the adults, was by the clothes they are wearing. the clothes
which were eerily intact- like each corpse had been burnt to the bone, and
then dressed up lovingly in their everyday attire- the polka dot nightgown
with a lace collar. the baby girl in her cotton pajamas- little earrings
dangling from little ears.

Some of them look like they died almost peacefully, in their sleep. others
look like they suffered a great deal- skin burnt completely black and
falling away from scorched bones.

I imagine what it must have been like for some of them. They were probably
huddled in their houses- some of them- tens of thousands of them- couldn't
leave the city. They didn't have transport or they simply didn't have a
place to go. They sat in their homes, hoping that what people said about
Americans was actually true- that in spite of their huge machines and
endless weapons, they were human too.

And then the rain of bombs would begin. the wooooosh of the missiles as they
fell and the sound of the explosion as it hit its target. and no matter how
prepared you think you are for that explosion- it always makes you flinch. I
imagine their children covering their ears and some of them crying, trying
to cover up the mechanical sounds of war with their more human wails. I
imagine that as the tanks got closer, and the planes got lower- the fear
increased- and parents searched each other's faces for a solution, for a way
out of the horror. Some of them probably decided to wait it out in their
homes, and others must have been desperate to get out- fearing the rain of
concrete and steel and thinking their chances were better in the open air,
than confined in the homes that could at any moment turn into their tombs.

That's what we were told before the Americans came- it's safer to be outside
of the house during an air strike than it is to be inside of the house.
Inside of the house, a missile nearby would turn the windows into millions
of little daggers and walls might come crashing down. In the garden, or even
the street, you'd only have to worry about shrapnel and debris if the bomb
was very close- but what were the chances of that?

That was before 2003. and certainly before Falloojeh.

That was before men, women and children left their homes only to be engulfed
in a rain of fire.

Last year I blogged about Falloojeh and said:

"There is talk of the use of cluster bombs and other forbidden weaponry."

I was immediately attacked with a barrage of emails from Americans telling
me I was a liar and that there was no proof and that there was no way
Americans would ever do something so appalling! I wonder how those same
people justify this now. Are they shocked? Or do they tell themselves that
Iraqis aren't people? Or are they simply in denial?

The Pentagon spokesman recently said:

"It's part of our conventional-weapons inventory and we use it like we use
any other conventional weapon,"

This war has redefined 'conventional'. It has taken atrocity to another
level. Everything we learned before has become obsolete. 'Conventional' has
become synonymous with horrifying. Conventional weapons are those that eat
away the skin in a white blaze; conventional interrogation methods are like
those practiced in Abu Ghraib and other occupation prisons.

Quite simply. conventional terror.

- posted by river @ 1:32 AM

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